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Dear friend,

One of the challenges of the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of the Basque Government is the development of policies that guarantee a comprehensive response to the opportunities posed by the bioeconomy in Euskadi.

In this framework, the Basque Government has organized a working-day for March 14 in San Sebastian (Spain), under the title Bioeconomy in Euskadi: challenges and opportunities. The objective of this event is to present the bioeconomy to different agents and stimulate a broad participation in the development of the bioeconomy roadmap in Euskadi.

We will have the assistance of Mr. Esko Aho, former Prime Minister of Finland, who will offer a master conference on the framework conditions to promote the bioeconomy and we will also present selected business cases that will show us how they have made the transition towards a business model based on the bioeconomy.

Hoping that the day is of your interest, we would like to have your presence that day.

Yours faithfully,

Bittor Oroz
Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Policy of the Basque Government


